martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

My career

Today I'll talk about my career...I'm studing psycology, I choose this career specially because I like help people to solve their problems using the power of the words or appropriate behaviors, I think that is better give tools to the people than give only pills.
Other thing that I love of my career is its big variety of different styles and diffents forms of treatment because this way, using different forms of treatmente, I can help more diffents types of persons with theirs problems.
This variety of points of view about the human main makes the psycology a very interesting career because you never conclude your learning about this topic.
I think that I chosee the correct career for me.

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2009

In this photo I appeared with mi grandmother, I choose this photo because she is one of the most important persons in my life.
I love my grand mother, she is a very strong person, she is a great support to our family and her charisma make us feel so happy.

She is my idol, I hope to be like she when I grew older.

She is my friend, we have many things in common, my grandmother is not like the others, she loves go shopping and walk with me.

I always have a great time whit her company.

miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2009

My most precious possession

Choose one of my most precious possessions is very difficuly but my teddybear is one of the things that i love because i have it since i was a little child. My teddybear is yellow and has a rainbow in its tummy.
My father gaves me this teddybear when i was one year old because i said him that i wanted it, with very children's words and he felts tenderness and bought it for me.
I slept with its every night and took its to my kindergarden every day when the years past my poor teddybear get old and i don't play with it any more, but i have it in a special place in my bedroom with others precious teddybears, because its stayed with me in all of my life.